My Home is a Royal, Sacred Space


Your home is an expression of how you feel about yourself. My friend @felyandres_ often says in her work with clients, “Your body is your temple. Your home is your sanctuary.” SPOT. ON. ⁠⁠

⁠⁠Over the last 4 years, I have grown tremendously, and my home reflects that. I have an innate knowing que soy una reina, and I am also divine. I am Love. My home says that. ⁠⁠

⁠⁠From the walls that my girl Fely and I spent 12 hours painting, to the firebox and furniture that mi amiga @poptartyenny beautifully redesigned and created for me, to my ancestral altar, the color schemes and fabrics, the products I use (all green, no hormone disruptors, most of them I make myself)---all of it creates a feeling of sacred sensuality, of peaceful feminine flow, of Love. ⁠⁠

⁠⁠This is the first home I’ve ever had that I never shared with another person. Every inch of it has been mine from the moment I paid the deposit. And being in this newly created, intentional space has opened me up creatively too! As within, so without. I’ve been practicing a more divine, queenly relationship “within” for years. My “without” now mirrors the soul of a sensual, reina divina. I am at home-- in my body, in my life, and in my sanctuary.⁠⁠

Chloé Cofresí